
My favorite productivity resources + tools

My favorite productivity resources + tools

I’m a productivity junkie. I love figuring out systems and streamlining my processes to help me work more efficiently. But I’m not one to constantly be switching me entire system every few months when the shiny new productivity app comes out. So these are my tried and true favorites that I have consistently used to run my business (and heck, my life!) over the last several years.

The 2 FREE apps I can't run my business (or life) without

The 2 FREE apps I can't run my business (or life) without

Today, I'm talking about the 2 apps that I literally could not run my business without. I started using both of these on Day 1, and they're so engrained in everything I do now. I have both apps open and in use all day, everyday. (Pssst, they're both free, too.)

My 3 step system for re-recording my entire online course

My 3 step system for re-recording my entire online course

I’m a nerd, and one of my favorite things to do when I’m faced with a big project or a big goal is to map out a plan and work that plan until I accomplish it. I know, that’s some serious nerd alert there. So when it was finally time to re-record my entire online course, The InDesign Field Guide, I knew I needed a good plan.

Second Edition: A Day in the Life of a Single Mompreneur (+ free weekly planner!)

Second Edition: A Day in the Life of a Single Mompreneur (+ free weekly planner!)

What does your day-to-day look like? How do you schedule work around being a mom? When the heck do you work with a toddler running around at home?! All questions I got in a recent mid-year survey I did for my email subscribers, and it got me thinking that I should do a second edition of my popular post that was published a little over a year ago – a day in the life of a single mompreneur with no babysitter.

My method to plan a year in one week (+ free planner)

My method to plan a year in one week (+ free planner)

Last week I posted a picture on Instagram of my computer as I was planning out aaalllll my 2017 tasks in just a few days. Yes, that’s right, an entire year’s worth of projects in about one week. And people freaked out. Rightfully so! I know how crazy it sounds, 12 months of work scheduled out on a calendar is a little control-freak-ish right?! It’s okay, you can say it. But this method helps me brain dump all my ideas + plans for the coming year in an organized way so I can actually accomplish the things I set out to do on January 1. 

How I balance single motherhood and business, part two

How I balance single motherhood and business, part two

Ok folks, we’re back at it with part two of learning how to balance motherhood and business for creative entrepreneurs and work-at-home moms. Let’s cut the small talk (ain't nobody got time for that), and get right to the last 3 tips for mompreneurs.

How I balance single motherhood and business, part one

How I balance single motherhood and business, part one

On my to do list today is write a blog post. I’m quickly finding that writing is becoming a creative outlet for me to get thoughts, feelings, and ideas out of my head. It’s like a therapy of sorts. For the last hour and a half, I’ve been struggling to get Poppy to sleep for her morning nap. I’m at the point where if she starts crying one more time, I’m just throwing in the towel on the morning nap and hoping for the best this afternoon. Any other mamas reached this point lately?! I find that I easily get frustrated by her fussiness and lack of sleeping because it means time away from my work. Next comes the guilt for feeling this way. And then the reminder, usually from a fellow mama’s Instagram post about a similar struggle, that my daughter should come first, and my business second.

How I use Asana to organize my business (+free Asana project template)

How I use Asana to organize my business (+free Asana project template)

I don’t know about you, but as a creative entrepreneur, my mind is always planning and dreaming about the next project for Paper + Oats. I lay in bed at night thinking of ideas to make existing products / services better, ways to collaborate with other business owners, and lofty dreams I have for this little business of mine. To be sure I don’t let a single task slip my mind, I use two tools every single day to keep my projects, ideas, and tasks organized. 

Why you should add a Batch Day to your calendar

Why you should add a Batch Day to your calendar

If you’ve been following Paper + Oats anytime in the last month or so, you’ve probably heard of Batch Day – it’s a quick little idea I had to create community around productivity. In a nutshell, Batch Day is a one-day productivity challenge for creative entrepreneurs. Here's the plan: you’ll dedicate an entire day's work to one topic, eliminating all distractions so you can make the most of this hyper-focused time. Hold yourself accountable, learn from your peers, and get a healthy dose of motivation throughout the day with other creative business owners using #POBatchDay on social media. 

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