Paper + Oats stands in solidarity with the Black community, people of color, and the LGBTQ+ community in fighting for not just equality, but equity, diversity, and full inclusion.

This is not a political stance, it is a human one. The value of welcoming those who are different than me is at the heart of my business and my in my personal life, and so I commit to continuing the work of dismantling white supremacy and fighting against systemic racism/discrimination in the following ways:

1 — Naming white supremacy, white privilege, and racism in my own life and how it has affected my business.
In addition, I'm committing to open conflict and allowing discomfort. In the wise words of Ericka Hines on being a white ally: “Be humble and ready to fumble.”

2— Educating myself, my family, and those close to me about white privilege and systemic racism by reading, listening, watching, learning, and unlearning.
Here are some resources that have been helpful to me so far:

  • White Fragility book by Robin DiAngelo

  • How to Be an Antiracist book by Ibram X. Kendi

  • Me and White Supremacy book by Layla F. Saad

  • 13th documentary on Netflix

  • this article about 75 things white people can do to fight racial injustice

  • this small business townhall hosted by Rachel Rodgers

  • this video chat with Lisa Sharon Harper and Jen Hatmaker about white tears

  • this video from Trevor Noah in the days after George Floyd’s death

3 — Donating portions of my business profits to causes that make a difference for the Black community, people of color, and the LGBTQ+ community.
Here are some organizations I've been giving to / plan to give to regularly in the future:

4 — Vetting the conferences, summits, bundles, podcasts and other events I'm involved with to ensure diversity and inclusion is clearly evident among their speaker choices, and only participate if that representation exists.

As the owner of Paper + Oats, I know we’re not there yet, but we’re always working to improve our efforts. We will continue to learn and listen and do better to weave diversity, equity, and inclusion into the very fabric of this business and the community we serve.

If you are black, brown, LGBTQ+, or are marginalized for any other reason, please know that here at Paper + Oats, you are seen, heard, believed, loved, and valued.

You absolutely matter.  🖤 

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