
4 ways I've dealt with burnout in my business

4 ways I've dealt with burnout in my business

So how the heck do you combat burn out in your business? While some of us can put an entire business on pause while we explore other options (usually thanks to a partner's income, which is great!), that certainly is not an option for many of us (myself included).

My experience with burnout in my business (Part 2 of 2)

My experience with burnout in my business (Part 2 of 2)

When we last left off, the pandemic was just getting started, I was coming off a not-great launch, had a brief second wind with some lower priced classes, and I was going into the summer of 2020 with those feelings of burnout creeping back in...

My experience with burnout in my business (Part 1 of 2)

My experience with burnout in my business (Part 1 of 2)

Today we're gonna get real and talk about burnout. Since late 2019, I've noticed the signs of burnout creeping up in my work life. And once the pandemic hit, I know so many small business owners who were noticing the same signs in their own lives.

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